The Top 5 GPS Hiking Apps to Help You Navigate the Appalachian Trail

If you’re planning on hiking the Appalachian Trail, you’ll want to make sure you have a good GPS app to help you navigate. There are a lot of different options out there, so it can be hard to know which one to choose. That’s why we’ve put together a list of the top 5 GPS hiking apps to help you make the most of your hike.

The Top 5 GPS Hiking Apps to Help You Navigate the Appalachian Trail

If you’re looking for a way to hike the Appalachian Trail, you’ll want to check out some of the top GPS hiking apps. These apps can help you navigate your way and keep track of your progress.

  1. Gaia GPS: Gaia GPS is one of the most popular GPS hiking apps on the market. It has a user-friendly interface and features a variety of features to help hikers plan their routes and track their progress.
  2. MapMyHike: MapMyHike is another popular app for hikers. It has a variety of features, including a route planner, elevation chart, and compass.
  3. Hiking Trails: Hiking Trails is another app that’s popular with hikers. It has a variety of features, including a map of the Appalachian Trail, trail conditions, and photos of the area.
  4. Appalachian Trail Conservancy’s Hiking App: The Appalachian Trail Conservancy’s Hiking App is another app that’s popular with hikers. It has a variety of features, including maps, photos, and information about the Appalachian Trail.
  5. MyTrail: MyTrail is another app that’s popular with hikers. It has a variety of features, including maps, elevation charts, trail conditions, and photos of the area.

How to Choose the Right GPS Hiking App for You

If you’re planning a backcountry hike, there are a few important things to consider before purchasing a GPS hiking app. First, what type of hike are you taking? For example, if you’re looking for a short day hike in an easy-to-follow trail, then an app designed for easy walking trails will suffice. However, if your hike takes you off the beaten path into tougher terrain or deep woods, pick up an appropriate app that offers more detailed mapping and navigateability.

Second is your budget. While many popular apps offer in-app purchases (IAPs), not all do. Look for an app with minimal IAPs so that you can customize the experience without spending money on things you may not need or want. Finally, make sure the app has good reviews from other hikers before making your purchase.

The Benefits of Using a GPS Hiking App

The immense popularity of GPS hiking apps has spawned a number of different programs designed to make navigating the Appalachian Trail (AT) easier and more enjoyable. These applications offer hikers important functionality such as elevation datatrack logs, landmark identification, and weather updates. While there are plenty of excellent standalone GPS units that can be used on the AT, using an app may provide some significant benefits.

First and foremost, using a GPS hiking app will allow you to track your progress in real time as you hike. This is especially handy for checking in on your location at specific points along your route and for verifying whether or not you’ve reached your intended destination. Additionally, many apps offer trail maps that include key features such as water crossings and shelters. By referencing this information prior to starting out on the AT, you can save yourself time and energy by avoiding potential trouble spots.

Moreover, relying upon a GPS hiking app can improve your overall tracking skills . Many programs come with built-in navigational aids that teach you how to use landmarks and elevation profiles in order to find your way around difficult trails . In addition to improving navigation abilities , learning how to use these tools should also help prevent accidents while hiking – something that is particularly important when undertaking an unsupported journey like the AT.

Overall , incorporating a GPS hiking app into your preparation for the AT will likely make the experience more enjoyable both physically and mentally. By taking advantage of these valuable tools, you can ensure a safe trek through some of America’s most challenging terrain

snow-covered trails of fantasy

How to Use a GPS Hiking App to Find Your Way on the Appalachian Trail

What is a GPS Hiking App?

When hiking the Appalachian Trail, it is important to have a GPS hiking app to help you find your way. Most apps use satellite navigation and include trail maps that allow hikers to follow specific routes. While there are many different apps available, our top five picks are: Gaia GPS (iOS/Android), MapMyHike (iOS/Android), Hiking Trails Keystone (iOS/Android) with support for both Android and iOS devices, TRAILS.ME (iOS only) and Apple’s own Maps app.

To use a GPS hiking app while hiking the Appalachian Trail, first make sure you have an active data connection as most apps will use this to download map data. Once you have downloaded the app, open it up and sign in. You will then be prompted to select a hike or trail you are interested in. The app will then request permission to use your location. Once granted, the app will start mapping out your route and provide information on where water sources, shelters, and campsites are located.

While every GPS hiking app is slightly different, all of them offer similar features such as navigation, map data overlay and directions along with automatic resupply tracking for food and water. Overall, using a GPS hiking app is an essential part of thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail – especially if you plan on following a specific route or doing any overnight hikes.

How to Use a GPS Hiking App

If you’re planning to hike the Appalachian Trail (AT), then you’ll need a GPS hiking app to help you find your way. There are a few different types of apps available, so it’s important to choose one that suits your needs. Here’s how to use a GPS hiking app:

  1. Choose the app that best fits your needs. Some apps include trail maps, others have more general mapping capabilities, and still others offer detailed route guidance.
  2. Load up the app before you leave for your hike. This will let you set up your Bluetooth connection and get started navigating.
  3. Once connected, open the map and search for specific features – such as shelters or towns – while keeping an eye on the trail ahead.
  4. If you run into any problems, use the app’s search function to find help from other hikers or professional guides. And always be sure to take safety precautions – such as following Leave No Trace principles – when hiking in unfamiliar territory.

The Top 5 GPS Hiking Apps

If you’re planning a hike on the Appalachian Trail (A.T.), you’ll want to be able to rely on a GPS hiking app to help find your way. Below are five top options for using GPS apps while hiking the A.T.:

  1. Gaia GPS: This app is especially well-suited for long hikes, as it includes offline maps so that you can use them even if there’s no internet connection available. The app also offers elevation data and mapping tools, so that you can track your progress along the trail.
  2. Hiking Trails Guru: Another great option for long hikes, Hiking Trails Guru offers detailed step-by-step directions with pictures along each section of the trail. You can also use this app to find shelters, water sources, and other important information.
  3. Trail GPS: This app is perfect for short hikes or for hikers who want a more general overview of the trail. It includes elevation data, as well as maps of the entire A.T., which can help you avoid getting lost. 4) Appalachian Trail Conservancy’s Hiking Map: This free app provides detailed guidance on how to hike each section of the trail. Additionally, it also offers information about shelters, services available along the way, and much more.
  4. Sunset/Sunrise: This app is perfect for hikers who are looking for sunrise or sunset views during their hike. It displays both sunrise and sunset times for different sections of the A.

How to Find Your Way on the Appalachian Trail

Tips for GPS Hikers.

When you’re hiking the Appalachian Trail, knowing how to use a GPS hiking app is essential for getting around. There are many apps available that can help hikers navigate their way and find shelter, food, and water. However, before you take out your device, there are some important tips to follow first:

  1. Research the hike beforehand. Before starting out on your hike, be sure to have a good understanding of where you’re going and what’s ahead. Use online maps or trail guides to figure out route lengths and elevation changes along the way. Familiarize yourself with map symbols (such as shelters) so you know when you’ll reach them. And be aware of weather forecasts in advance; conditions can change rapidly in the mountains.
  2. Download the right app. Not all GPS hiking apps are created equal, and each has its own benefits and drawbacks. The best ones are typically accurate, easy to use, and include features like weather forecasts and mile markers. Choose one that’s designed for hikers, not for mountain bikers or bicyclists (who tend to use different apps).
  3. Pay attention to elevation gain/losses. Once you’ve downloaded your app, be sure to enter your starting elevation (which can be found on a map) as well as your ending elevation—the location from which you plan on returning home (or backtracking if there’s some extra distance involved). This information will help calculate how much elevation you’ll gain or lose on your hike, and will give you an idea of the level of difficulty involved.
  4. Plan meals and rest breaks carefully. Familiarize yourself with the calories needed for each meal and the type of food that’s available in the area (you may want to pack some snacks). Make sure you’ve accounted for how long it will take to eat a meal, as well as how much time you can spend resting between breaks. And avoid over-packing; if there are supplies available at your shelter, grab them instead of packing along an unnecessary load.
  5. Bring plenty of water and sunscreen. Hikers should always be prepared for sudden weather changes, which can lead to dehydration and skin cancer risk in the sun. And remember to pack plenty of drinking water, as well as snacks and energy bars to help tide you over in between meals.

By following these tips, you’ll be able to navigate your way through the Appalachian Trail with ease—no matter which GPS hiking app you choose!

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your GPS Hiking App

If you’re planning on hiking the Appalachian Trail, you’ll need a good GPS hiking app to help you navigate your way. Here are five of the best apps to help you get started:

  1. Gaia GPS: This app is great for tracking your progress and finding points of interest along the trail. It also includes a map and compass, so you can always stay oriented.
  2. MapMyHike: This app is great for tracking your hike and recording all of your stops. It also includes a map and compass, so you can always stay oriented.
  3. Hiking Trails of North America: This app includes detailed maps of more than 2,000 miles of Appalachian Trail trails. It also includes information on campsites, water sources, and more.
  4. Appalachian Trail Conservancy’s Hiking GPS App: This app includes information on more than 1,000 miles of the Appalachian Trail, as well as tips for hiking the trail safely and efficiently.
  5. Topo Maps: This app includes detailed maps of more than 20 million acres of public land in the United States and Canada. It also includes information on trails, points of interest, and more.
person walks their dog on a tree lined pathway

The Best GPS Hiking Apps for Advanced Users

For the average hiker, using a GPS hiking app is likely sufficient. However, for those who want to go even further and explore more of the trail without having to constantly consult a map or compass, there are several more advanced apps available. For example, some apps allow hikers to track their location in real-time as they hike, while others offer various features that can be extremely helpful on longer hikes such as tracking elevation gain/losses and calculating mileage traveled. Some of the best GPS hiking apps for advanced users include Gaia GPS ($4.99), Topo Maps South HDR V2 (free with purchase of Topo USA subscription), Trailforks Northern California Hiking Edition (free with purchase of an annual Trailforks subscription), and HIKEpro II+ ($9.99).

If you’re looking for a GPS hiking app to help you navigate the Appalachian Trail, then check out this list of the top 5 apps. If you’re not sure which one is right for you, then read the section on how to choose the right app for you. And if you want to learn more about the benefits of using a GPS hiking app, then be sure to read the section on that too.